Line vs Distance

Just about half of all shots on the course are taken on the short grass, and putting - love it or hate it - is where the scorecard is won or lost.
Putting is a lot more complex than it first appears. You may consider getting the ball in the air and getting it onto the green in two shots the challenging part of any par-4. But greens are designed to be manipulative to test your skill, and mis-reading your putts can result in a frustrating 3-putt and a bogey on the scorecard.
Broadly speaking, there are two aspects you need to get correct when executing the perfect putt. The line your ball is facing, and the exact amount of power needed to find the back of the cup.
Think for a minute about your own game. Do you find it easy to find the correct line but usually leave your putts shot? Or do you tend to go for the hole, but often find yourself putting back the other way?
Line VS distance

Finding the right line is of paramount importance when reading your putt. If you misjudge the break of the putt, you instantly have no chance of it dropping into the hole.
It can feel demoralizing however to know you have the line just right but not quite enough pace to find the back of the cup.
Leaving the ball short is a pain as it means you won’t know how the ball is going to break going into the cup. When you hit it past the hole you can at least see how the ball breaks for your next putt.
Equally important as accuracy is having the power and confidence to commit to your strike with the appropriate degree of power. Putting requires a soft-yet-firm touch, and it’s finding this middle ground on the short grass that’s the weak point of many good golfer’s games.
Finding the line

Making the perfect putt begins way before you walk onto the green. When you’re hitting your approach shot, you want to get a good look at the slope of the green. As you’re walking towards it, keep an eye on the natural slopes turns that form around the pin position.
You’ll also want to keep an eye on how your chip shots run out onto the green. Where does it bounce to? Is it where you predicted it would go or did an unforeseen bounce take it another way?
Once your ball has come to rest and you’re sizing up your putt, it’s good to crouch down behind it and take a look at the high and low points of the green. Can you feel the slope of the green in your feet when you’re standing over the ball? Can you trace the natural line relative to the slopes beneath your feet?
The latest golf putters from Mizuno have been engineered to help you find the exact line when you’re standing over the ball, and strike through your putt with tempo and confidence.
Mizuno M-Craft OMOI putters

Mizuno putters are simply special, and the tech under the hood combined with the flawless looks makes them an ideal tool to add to the bag. This club features a CNC-milled 1025 carbon steel face. The result of which is a face that feels very soft when you make impact with the ball.
The club has a heavy head with dual weight ports that ensure it stays very stable the entire way through your swing. The putter comes with additional weights and a tool kit so you’ll be able to swap them in and out to find your ideally-weighted swing.

Mizuno has also made sure to give you better control over the rotation of the face by balancing the club’s increased head weight with a lighter grip. There are six distinct models in the set, ranging from blades to mid-mallets. There are also three attractive finishes to choose from, double nickel, blue ION, and intense black
You’ve got to have a go with a few different kinds of putters to find your ideal feel, and find out what makes you feel comfortable. If you’re unsure of which kind of putter would be best for you, we’d be happy to show you our stock in the pro shop.